Tag Archives: crafting

Old Congress Days

3 Oct

The big day is past now! I set up a booth at the local Old Congress Days event. It was a lot of fun even though I didn’t sell all that much. Mom & Dad were there to help – I couldn’t have done it with out them!

I had a bunch of the hanging hand towels on display. And I had the big doily out.The table above held greeting cards and denim blankets. On the other table I had my doilies, hairnets, and baby hats & booties.

Here are some of my doilies. This table met with disaster, well all of them did, but the white doilies got the worst of things. In the afternoon we got wind and a dust storm. Everything started flying. We took our stuff down early and lots of others did, too. Everyone was hanging onto their tents so they wouldn’t go crashing around. The lady behind me had a rough time as she was selling Scentsy -lots of breakables! While Mom & Dad finished our booth, I helped them box up the warmers.

Since I didn’t sell much at Congress Days, I now have all this inventory for my online stores! I hope to get it posted in the next couple weeks.


Beautiful Greetings

22 Jul

Beautiful cards make it so much ‘easier’ to send notes to my friends. 🙂 I enjoy making cards, but I often think I don’t have time. There are lots of lovely options out there, tho!

Here are some beautiful ones I found on Etsy.com:  Beautiful Greetings These are all made with flower photos. (This photo only shows half of them.)

or I have a few of my own too: Etsy Shop

Handmade Bag Pictures

8 Jul

I got this bag done and here are the pictures. I put a zipper in the top so I can use it as a purse. That was a challenge. I actually let Mom do the sewing of the last part so I wouldn’t get so frustrated at my sewing machine. It has this habit of breaking thread lately.

I used the smaller option of the pattern Simplicity 2830. The outside, pockets, and handles are cotton.

For the lining I used a dark blue cotton. Plus inside I have a stiff fabric (I’m not actually sure what it is). I didn’t use the stiffer fabric alone for the lining because it is old-fashioned bright yellow with green flowers! Next time I want to find my real canvas to use, because the yellow stuff still isn’t quite stiff enough.

The handles are just long enough to hang comfortably on my shoulder if I want to.

I have always preferred the smallest possible purses. 🙂 So this thing looks very big to me. Amazingly all my stuff fit in it though! This picture shows it stuffed full of stuff:

I got to use it already yesterday. I made my monthly visit to the hospital infusion center for my IVIG and my book actually fit inside my purse! So I didn’t have to take two or three bags in to hold all my stuff. It depends what I take though.

I used to think I would get lots of stuff done just sitting there for 4 hours. I usually never looked at most of the stuff I took along, so I quit taking it. I’m usually so sleepy from the Benadryl I can’t concentrate and it doesn’t work to crochet with an IV in my hand! I didn’t even sleep yesterday, though. Probably because my book was so interesting! It is also one of the saddest books I’ve ever read though.

My Big Project

8 Jul

My Big Project for the Summer

I got this ball of natural colored size 10 crochet thread – 1,000 yards – to make hair nets. (Because they were selling so well at the time, I figured I’d use it all eventually – like the white one I have.) Even before that, I had been dreaming of making a huge doily slash tablecloth. This ball of thread sat around for a couple of days, still new. That’s when I decided to use it for a table cloth instead of hair nets. (That’s why you don’t see many for sale!) The thought was, since the ball of thread is still new, it would be a test to see how big a thing I could make out of a 1000 yards!   🙂    Yeah, I have funny ideas sometimes.

This doily / table cloth is turning out pretty well, I think. On the latest pictures you can see it ‘ruffles’ at the edges. It’s not supposed to do that, but I think it will work out as I go on. At least earlier ruffles did.

I have been working on it for at least a month now! In my free time of course. Every once in a while I need a break from my work! 🙂

I forgot to mention: I don’t have a pattern for this huge doily! Am I crazy? Yes, I am making it up as I go. I have made some doilies in a much smaller version so I took that pattern (also made by me) and went on from there.

So here are the current pictures. I actually have two sets because I took them and intended to post them and didn’t get it done so I have more now. That way you can see a bit of the progress. Sorry about the funny color. My bedroom lighting does that to pictures for some reason. 

Those were the first pictures. These last three were taken about two weeks later.

Shall I keep going? Or quit now? 🙂

Holiday & New eBay listings

4 Jul

Hello! I hope had a great weekend and are enjoying a relaxing day! I had a nice weekend. Yesterday was a blessing to be in church and to fellowship with Christian friends. Last night we were also blessed with a wonderful rain shower!! We here in AZ love rain showers as they don’t come very often. When we saw it was probably going to rain, my brother and I took our hammocks out to the front porch (it has a roof over it). It was so much fun to lay there and enjoy the rain and the lightening. It did get really windy though and we came running in when we started getting soaked! I realize though that many parts of the US won’t call a rain shower a blessing as they have ‘too much’ water.  

I didn’t do anything to celebrate the holiday today, but I did have fun working on different projects around the house in a relaxed frame of mind. Unfortunately, I didn’t get my projects done, so I can’t really say I did much! I cut out a bag I’ve been wanting to make. Actually, I cut out a practice, because I don’t want to use the material I have picked out until I know if my idea is going to work.

I have really been into bags lately. I made one for my sister-in-law for her baby shower. I planned to do a game involving a diaper bag, however I had no diaper bag to use!! So I quickly threw together a simple bag here about the day before the party. Then I made her little girl a matching one for her 5th birthday. Sorry I don’t have pictures to show you. I will take pictures of this one I am making now, if it turns out ok. 🙂

When I was done with that, I sat down at my sewing machine for about 2 minutes and decided I didn’t feel like sewing. Does that ever happen to you??! Hmmm. Now to come up with another project….

Someone told me recently I should crochet baby blankets. I don’t know about that as I haven’t done too well with afghans. But that is what I started this afternoon. I have 3 or so rows done and it is going very well. The pattern I decided on though has quite a few ‘holes’ in it for the poor baby to get his fingers caught in so it might just turn into a wrap or lap robe of some kind. I am using small yarn: baby weight or sport weight whatever it’s called. And a large hook: size I. So hopefully it won’t take too long to get it done!

Tomorrow I will probably go back to normal projects again. It has been fun though to spend a day doing out of the ordinary things.

One of the ordinary things I did do was get more listings on eBay. You can see them here.

New Towels in mydesertdeals Etsy shop

1 Jul

Here are the New Hanging Hand towels I listed in my Etsy Shop.

They don’t look too bad in our blue bathroom!

Floral Double Hand Towel with Cotton Fabric Hanger Top

These are my favorite!

What a day!

1 Jul

Yesterday was a day of all trades! 😀 In the morning for a couple of hours I worked on making cards for a couple of hours. I was tired of my pictures and other supplies just lying around and attacked it with a vengeance. (Looks like my next project should be cleaning my desk!) 😦

For another couple of hours or more, I worked on making tops for towels. That is an easy project that keeps me occupied even when I don’t have much motivation.

Stages of a towel top

(It’s not as complicated as it looks. 🙂 )

In the afternoon, I had to take a break and go to a doctor appointment. There I learned I had lost 8 pounds, which really surprised me. (So that’s why I can get into the dresses I couldn’t wear for a while!) I didn’t think it was a big deal, but the doctor asked me what’s going on? I said, “Stress”.  Her quick  reply was “Do you want something to help with your stress?” The way she said it threw me off for a bit. My simple mind was thinking “What can help my stress besides trusting God?!” Before long, I figured out what she was saying and convinced her it wasn’t that kind of stress. I don’t think pills take stress away anyway, they just help you forget! So I think I will be a little more diligent and make sure I take my enzymes (and try not to worry). It’s so hot around here though, no one feels like eating anyway.

After that stressful ( 🙂 ) break, I went back to sewing towels and got them all finished! (Sigh of Relief) I sat down last night to list them and possibly post on here, which turned into editing pictures and listening to music. Oh well, sometimes there’s more important things in life.

To finish out the day I climbed into bed and started reading my new library book. I meant to read only for 30 minutes or so but the book was so captivating all of a sudden I realized I read about half of it. I will tell you more about the book, when I have read all of it.

I hope you have a great day! God Loves You!

ps. Yesterday was a good day for me! I love variety. 😉


28 Jun

Sometimes when I am “sitting around” crocheting, I think of all the things I wish I could be doing instead. That has not been very beneficial to me, as you can imagine.

Lately I have been trying to be more content with where God has me right now. I feel much better when I think that God created me and loves me just the way I am. It is much more profitable to thank God for what He has done for me and to trust Him for the future.

Ps 139:14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. (NKJV)

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV)

Jeremiah 31:3 The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. (NKJV)

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. (NKJV)

Recently I read a book by Linda Dillow called Calm My Anxious Heart. I was a bit surprised when the main subject in her book was contentment. After I read through (most of) it, it did make a lot of sense. If I am content with my lot in life and what’s going on around me, I am trusting in God and not being anxious.

With Jesus Christ in my life it is possible to be content in what I am doing when I see my work as work for Him. He blesses me with peace and helps me to be thankful for everything He has done for me.

 If you missed the last article in the “Something to Think On” category you can read it here or click on the category link in the side column.

 Is there things that help you be content? I’d love to hear about how the Lord is working your life!


History Part 2

27 Jun

If you missed part one you can read it here.

Here is some more of my story. Maybe it will give you a more rounded view of what I am like. I don’t usually sit around crocheting all day. I couldn’t do that if I wanted to because my hands would be sleeping by then. So here are some more of my hobbies.

My other interests include sewing. Most of the sewing I do is for family and friends, but I have occasionally sold some finished products. I used to sell dresses through http://www.modesthandmaidens.com/ but I have discontinued that. I also sold some cloth bags on eBay. That is still in the back of my mind to try that again… Maybe someday!

Another interest I have developed in the last few years is photography. I love to take photos, mostly of nature, and use those photos to make beautiful, inspirational cards. I am just learning in that area so please be patient with me!

Those who know me, know my favorite hobby is reading so don’t be surprised if some “Books” or “Reading” posts show up on my blog although it really has little to do with my other hobbies and activities. I do use reading to de-stress sometimes, though!

Part of what has shaped my life and perhaps caused me to enjoy these hobbies and activities is my health. I have had chronic respiratory illness most of my life. I am thankful for all the support my wonderful family and friends have shown me. Thank-you for always being there for me!!

I don’t want to draw unneccessary attention to my health, or turn this blog into a pity party, but as this is a big issue in my life, I am sure I will refer to it from time to time. I do enjoy comparing notes with others and getting ideas from different sources.


The Importance of Little Things

21 Jun

While I sit and crochet, I often listen to music or audio books, but mostly I have lots of time to think. The challenge to me is to think on the right things: Philipians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable– if anything is excellent or praiseworthy– think about such things. (NIV)

What do you think about while you are crocheting or working on crafts? Or any other time! I’d love to hear from you! Here are some things that go through my mind.

The Importance of Little Things

It is so easy to overlook the little things in life. I would rather see the big picture instead of thinking of all the little details that lead up to the big picture. What I forget is that the little things are often the stepping stones to the big things. Big pictures are often made of minute strokes.

One of the ‘little’ things involved in crocheting is counting stitches. It does not seem important, especially when I have done the same pattern over and over. I am tempted to think “I know what I am doing, I won’t do it wrong” or “Even if I mess up, I can fix it later”. I have learned the hard way that is not a good way to look at crocheting! I usually end up taking out a row –or two, or three, or more! That is very frustrating to say the least. It saves so much time if I take the time to count my stitches sooner than later.  That is not a good way to look at life either!

Many times, that is the way people look at life. There are many details of life that God talks to us about in the Bible. Sometimes we think, “God didn’t really mean that so specifically” or “God knows my heart and won’t notice if I slip up here and there” or “This need is so little it’s not worth praying about”. It is very important that we realize God is very concerned about every little detail of our lives.

Some of the “little” things may include: Matthew 10:42 “And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.” (NKJV)

Ephesians 4:32 And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you. (NKJV)

James 5:12 But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your “Yes,” be “Yes,” and your “No,” “No,” lest you fall into judgment. (NKJV)

Luke 12:6 “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God.  7 “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. (NKJV)

The details of every person’s life is different. May we all be faithful to the things the Lord has shown us.

Welcome to merrydeals4u!

2 Jun

Hello! Welcome to my new blog. My name is Mary and I plan to use this blog to talk write about things that are interesting to me. I hope these articles will inspire you and give you ideas in crafting, reading, and life in general!

I plan to tell you about projects going on at our house. Including the things I sell online at eBay and Etsy . I will also be using it to let you know of any news and promotions, ect, from my shops. I hope to give you some practical ideas, too!

        I would like to say from the beginning that my talents and ideas are no better than anyone else’s. I believe all the things I have and am able to do are from God and that I could do nothing without Him. I want this to be a place to share ideas and learn from each other. I look forward to your comments!

My selling name/store name on both of the sites I sell on is mydesertdeals so I hope that doesn’t confuse you.

Thank-you for visiting!

Browse around! Be inspired! Get to work!  🙂

God Bless You!