Archive | April, 2012

Sales! Yay!!

25 Apr

I have been excited this weekend because I got some good sales! Yay!! That is always exciting. Someone bought a bunch of my gift bags on and I sold some hairnets on! I hope they keep rolling in, but you never know!

Tomato Adventure

23 Apr

This weekend I took a break from sewing, not that I was getting that much done anyway. Thursday Mom got a bunch of tomatoes so we changed our Girls Sewing Day planned for Friday into a Tomato Canning Day. Thursday afternoon I cleaned up the kitchen so we could take off bright and early Friday morning.I didn’t get this picture until after we had started. We actually had 9 boxes of tomatoes and 1 box of celery.

A very willing helper! She worked hard all day.

We made Pizza Sauce from a recipe Mom had from Granny:

Later we also made another recipe we got from my sister.

We did most of the canning outside on the camp stove so the house wouldn’t be so hot! The weather here really turned warm last week. Saturday we started our A/C.

We also made stewed tomatoes and whole tomatoes. And a bunch of salsa. The salsa recipe we got from my sister.

Grandma taking a break with the children.

Supervisor! 🙂 He actually did very well all day. In the evening I had him in my bed and he fell asleep. For about 2 minutes. Then he was happy and just lay there and played and kicked. It was cooler in there than in the living room so I think he was more comfortable. I didn’t get any sleep until he went back out.

Our finished product! 🙂 

Something about canned food looks so beautiful and homey. And it makes the work worth it!

I was completely exhausted that night. I sat in the rocking chair to cut up my last tomatoes. 😉 The next morning I got up and ate breakfast with the family. Then after a warm shower, I headed back to bed with a book, a jar of Powerade, and a quart of tea. After two days of mostly rest and extra breathing treatments, I am getting some of my energy back.

I just recently found out about PicMonkey. I had fun editing some of these pictures with their program. Have any of you ever used that? I found out about it on this blog. She has a lot of nice pictures.

Ps. We didn’t get the tomatoes all done. Brittany and Mom are working on them today again. I think this will be the last day.

Purple Stripe Gift Bags

18 Apr

Last week I did a custom order for 6 of these purple striped gift bags. It was fun to do them. I had them all sewed up before she ordered, but I added the flowers to the five of them that didn’t already have them.  The one bag was smaller than the others, but she said she wanted it anyway. Please excuse the background. 🙂 I didn’t set up my studio properly.

Of course I forgot to ask her where she was from before I quoted her a shipping price. Again. I need to put a post-it-note beside my computer. Oh well, that’s another subject.

I was very excited that I had enough fabric for this order! I make my gift bags from left over fabric from other projects. Most of the bags are one of a kind and I ‘m not able to make more because I used up the fabric.

I also got a request for yellow bags, but that order didn’t come to anything. I went a head and made some yellow ones just in case someone else wants yellow bags. These aren’t cotton, they are polyester.  I listed the first one in my Etsy shop today. You can view it here.

That’s about all I’ve gotten done for my shop this week. I forgot to get interfacing when we were in Phoenix last week, so I can’t do my towels. I did do some crocheting. My biggest problem is lack of motivation! The allergies around here are so bad right now. I finally took Benadryl last night so I felt better this morning. Until I sat outside for a while this afternoon….


16 Apr

Recently two of my items were featured in treasuries on Etsy. I also managed to make a treasury myself. It takes me forever to do them so I’m not sure if it’s worth it sometimes.

EweniqueEssentials featured my doily in thier treasury “I Remember Mother

fibremom featured my pink hair net in her treasury she’s growing up too fast…

This treasury, The Practical Homemaker I made for the Fruit of Her Hands Team treasury game.

My Brown Towel is Back

13 Apr

I guess the brown hanging towel is everyone’s favorite according to my sales records. The other night I took the risk of buying two packs of them. Don’t laugh, that was a huge investment for my teeny tiny shop! 🙂  I got them back in my store today, but they have new tops. I am running out of the fabric I was using to make the tops so I bought some at JoAnn’s the other night. It doesn’t match as good as I would have liked since I was going on my memory, which was a little foggy at 8:00 pm. I did take a sample of the old along, but in Wal Mart I used it to match buttons and that is the last the sample was seen. It might still be floating around in Wal Mart… But I hope everyone likes the new Brown Hanging Hand Towel!I also have a unique version of the brown towel. I put a turquoise blue top on it. 😉 I think it’s kind a neat. And of all things it’s made it into 3 treasury lists already! This one is my favorite:

Hang it upWhich of my towels is your favorite? I’d love to hear from you! Have a great weekend.

Hanging Hand Towels and Cloth Gift Bags

11 Apr

Looking for the perfect gift for Mother’s Day? I have new hanging hand towels in my etsy shop that would make great gifts for a special Mom! Plus you can put them in pretty Cloth Gift Bags.  You can find them all in the Mother’s Day section of my shop.

I was really excited to finally find some pretty towels at our local store again. For a long time they didn’t have much of anything. I have a number of gift bags, but not very many are alike. Last week a couple days I finally got really motivated and got a bunch of bags done. If you don’t see what you want in the Mother’s Day Section, take a look at the regular hanging towel section or the Party Favor / Gift Bag section.

Happy Shopping! 🙂