Archive | October, 2012

Picture God’s Creation

30 Oct

Busy Hands

25 Oct

Although I haven’t much energy, my hands have found plenty to keep busy with! When I came home, I had several purchases on eBay and Etsy to mail. That is when I realized my inventory is down again! I was looking forward to spending several weeks doing ‘fun’ projects before getting back to ‘work’! 🙂  Oh, I don’t really mind crocheting hair nets at all, it’s just that doing the same thing over and over and over, gets a little old sometimes.

Between crocheting hair nets, though, I have snuck in some other projects. I have an afghan I have been working on. I tried to make a goal of doing 3 rows a day so it doesn’t take me a year to get it done! I have also started a new project on my new knitting loom, but I’ll wait to tell you about that til after the Christmas presents are given. 😉  The other day I also made a card for someone. It seems like such a little thing, but it’s so amazing how much energy those little things take, when you just have. no. energy.

Time seems to be moving rather slowly.  Looking back it seems I was in the hospital a long time.  It has some kind of dream quality where every day blended into the next.  Now it seems I have been home a long time.  Is it really just 7 days?  The days themselves don’t feel long though.  That is a blessing.  Until I get all my meds in, rest, eat, crochet a bit….  Not much time left.  Everything seems to take a long time since I have so little energy.  I am so thankful for the things I can do.  I thank the Lord for the ability to crochet and do other hand work even when I can’t do much else.

I have managed to list some items on eBay and Etsy again, too. Yesterday I listed this set of 3 hair nets on eBay and I hope to get it on Etsy soon, too.  There is one Burgundy, one gray, and one white.  As always, you save a bit of money by buying a set of 3! 🙂


23 Oct

Being away for 11 days brings the blessings of home and family sharply into focus! I have so much to be thankful for. In short, I am so glad to be home!!!  What a blessing to be surrounded with family who loves me and wants to care for me. The challenge is to accept the love and care instead of wishing for the independence I would so much prefer.

It’s so comforting to be in your own home. My own bed, my own computer, my own nebulizer and other equipment, a friendly living room, the familiar kitchen. The list goes on and on. Things I seldom think about until I’ve been out of it.

The physical things of my home aren’t the things that bring the most comfort however.  It is the presence of a loving family. The knowing that their care comes from love, not just a job or a nice thing to do.

Absence of things also contributes to the comforting atmosphere of home. Lack of nurses, lack of noise, lack of machines, lack of doctors. All those are so important, but when I get home where none of them are, I feel like I am getting closer to that land of “health” where I am hoping to get to one of these days. To sleep the whole night through without being woke up…. ahhhhhhh

God is so good!  He met my needs in the hospital. He let me feel the comfort and strength of family and hospital staff.  Now He is seeing me through each day.  I can face each challenge, each struggle because I know the He is right here with me each step of the way.  God is in control of everything happening!

Maybe Tomorrow

16 Oct

I have heard this phrase many times in the last week! I have ‘moved into’ the hospital a week ago, the intent being to clear the junk out of my lungs. After a couple days they started saying ‘maybe tomorrow’ you can go home. It appears that the junk in my lungs has settled in pretty good and is putting up a good fight against the good guys, otherwise known as antibiotics.  The good news is that the bug is sensitive to several antibiotics.

I have been reading a lot and not worrying about my stores, which has been a great blessing. Now that I have Internet access, thanks to my SIL’s iPad, my customers have been very understanding.

The Lord is so faithful and the best of Friends to those who are weak.  One verse that has really been a blessing to me is “in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 I am very confident God has everything in His control and knows how it is going to work out, therefore I try my best,through His strength, to be ‘quiet’, or calm.

I will be extremely happy when ‘maybe tomorrow’ turns into ToDay!! I am thinking of all the things I would like to crochet when I get home. 🙂 Obviously, it will be awhile before normal comes back, but it’s always good to feel like I’m on the right path.

God bless you with a very lovely day!

Shark Iron

5 Oct

One of the tools I most depend on in the sewing I do is my iron! I had been wanting a new one for quite a while as mine was quite dilapidated and very tempermental. Therefore I was so happy to find this Shark at Goodwill -and on 50% off day! It is in beautiful condition. And it works very well except when it automatically shuts off after being on for a while, I have to unplug it to make it start again. No big deal though, because my old one was just like that! I was so used to the old thing that didn’t heat up as hot as it was supposed to that I burned one of my towels! 😦 I wasn’t used to the mega steam either! But since we got used to one another, we are great friends. After I started using the new one, my old iron gave up the ghost completely! So I was extra thankful that God provided me with a new iron at an excellent price!

I love getting my crafting supplies from Goodwills and other thrift stores. Part of it is the challenge of finding good stuff at the right prices. It does take time and patience though!


Picture God’s Creation

2 Oct

Take my Hands

1 Oct

Take my Hands, the remarkable story of Dr. Mary Verghese

This book tells the inspiring true story of Dr. Mary Verghese, a lady doctor from South India. She overcame many obstacles in order to get her medical education. After an accident that left her paralyzed and unable to walk, she overcame this devastating handicap and became a successful surgeon, performing many hand and face operations from her wheelchair.

I enjoy reading about doctors and others in the medical profession, but this book was especially interesting as it is from a Christian perspective.  We found it in our public library system, but it and Dorothy Clarke Wilson’s other books are available on This book about Mary, published in 1963, is very interesting and is written in a way that really keeps the reader’s attention.